تعرفوا على أعضاء هيئة التدريس المتميزين في كلية طب الكندي، الذين يجمعون بين الخبرة الأكاديمية والتفاني في التدريس. نحرص في كلية طب الكندي على توفير بيئة تعليمية محفزة وداعمة للطلاب، لتمكينهم من تحقيق أهدافهم الأكاديمية والمهنية، وتخريج أطباء المستقبل الأكفاء.
الترقية العلمية للتدريسيين
استمارات الشؤون العلمية
الهيئة التدريسية في جامعتنا
الترقية العلمية للتدريسيين
استمارات الشؤون العلمية
ت | العمادة | الاســـــماء | CV | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
1 | عميد الكلية | محمد شهاب احمد مطرود العيداني | بورد عراقي | CV | جراحة العظام والكسور | استاذ |
2 | معاون العميد للشؤون العلمية والطلبة | تغريد خليل محمد علي مصطفى الحيدري | بورد عربي | CV | النسائيات والولادة | استاذ |
3 | معاون العميد للشؤون الادارية | جميلة غضبان عودة طريطش الغراوي | دكتوراه | CV | الاحياء المجهرية /البكتريولوجي | استاذ |
فرع الجراحة
الاســـــماء | cv | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
توفيق جاسم محمد علي المرزوكي | بورد عراقي | CV | الجراحة العامة | استاذ |
غدير حكمت مجيد شمعون شعيا | بورد عراقي | CV | جراحة العظام والكسور | استاذ |
بسام محمود فلامرز احمد اركوازي | بورد عراقي | CV | جراحة الجملة العصبية | استاذ |
حسين جاسم محسن حسن السعدي | بورد عربي وعراقي | CV | انف واذن وحنجرة | استاذ مساعد |
رائد اسطيفان رزق الله عبد الاحد رسام | بورد عراقي | CV | جراحة عامة | استاذ مساعد |
ملاذ انور حسين احمد مسجون | بورد عراقي | CV | الجراحة البولية | استاذ مساعد |
قيس احمد حسن صالح التميمي | بورد عربي | CV | الاشعة التشخيصية | استاذ مساعد |
عبد الهادي لعيبي شمخي علي الربيعي | بورد عراقي | CV | جراحة الجهاز الهضمي | استاذ |
حيدر رحيم نعمة عبد الرضا الزبيدي | بورد عراقي | CV | جراحة الصدر والقلب و الاوعية الدموية | استاذ مساعد |
علي عدنان يوسف محمد | بورد عراقي | CV | جراحة الجملة العصبية | استاذ مساعد |
حارث محمد قنبر محمود السعداوي | بورد عراقي | CV | الجراحة البولية | استاذ مساعد |
كريم عاصي كاظم حوشي السراج | بورد عراقي | CV | التخدير | مدرس |
سوزان امانة رطان لعيبي الزيادي | بورد عراقي | CV | طب و جراحة العيون | استاذ |
محمد عبد الحسين لفتة حسون الجودة | بورد عراقي | CV | الجراحة التقويمية | استاذ مساعد |
سرى لؤي كاظم محسن | بورد عربي | CV | طب العيون وجراحتها | مدرس |
حيدر عمران حياة علبي | بورد عربي | CV | جراحة العظام والكسور | مدرس |
شيماء خالد عبد القادر | بورد عربي | CV | الاشعة التشخيصية | مدرس |
نبأ اسود شاكر محسن | بورد عراقي | CV | الاشعة التشخيصية | مدرس |
علي عبد الكريم عباس حسين | بورد عراقي | CV | طب وجراحة العيون | مدرس |
سجى علي احمد عبد الحسين | بورد عراقي | CV | الاشعة التشخيصية | مدرس |
علي فلاح زبالة | بورد عراقي | CV | جراحة العظام والكسور | مدرس |
علي عدنان يوسف | بور عربي | CV | جراحة الاعصاب | استاذ مساعد |
رحاب محمد عيدان شهاب القيسي | ماجستير | CV | علوم في التمريض | مدرس مساعد |
فرع الطب الباطني
الاســـــماء | cv | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
زكي نوح حسن جار الله العكلة | بورد عراقي | CV | الجملة العصبية | استاذ |
موسى قاسم حسين الحاوي السعدي | بورد عراقي | CV | الطب باطني | استاذ |
محمد ياسين عباس سويف العميري | بورد عراقي | CV | الطب الباطني /جلدية وتناسلية | استاذ مساعد |
كلاويز احمد عبد الله حمد | بورد عراقي | CV | الطب الباطني / الجلدية والزهرية | استاذ مساعد |
ميثم فاضل جلال كاظم الحسناوي | بورد عراقي | CV | طب الجملة العصبية | مدرس |
زينب عطية داخل سلمان الزبيدي | بورد عراقي | CV | الطب الباطني | مدرس |
نور علي حسن علي الفارس | بورد عربي | CV | الطب النفسي | مدرس |
علي فلاح زبالة | بورد عربي | CV | الطب الباطني | مدرس |
هالة فاضل | بورد عربي | CV | الطب الباطني | مدرس |
سامان سركو بهاء الدين | بورد عراقي | CV | الطب الباطني | مدرس |
سما عطا كطي علاوي | بورد عراقي | CV | الطب الباطني | مدرس |
سارة رحيم محسن | بورد عراقي | CV | الطب الباطني /جلدية وتناسلية | مدرس |
فرع النسائية و التوليد
الاســـــماء | cv | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
سمر داود يعقوب حنا سرسم | بورد عربي | CV | النسائية | استاذ |
بشرى محمد مجيد حمادي العامري | بورد عراقي | CV | نسائية وتوليد | استاذ |
ذكرى نجم عبد الله مدلول المدلول | بورد عراقي | CV | النسائية والتوليد | استاذ |
وقار اكرم حسين علي الخشالي | بورد عراقي | CV | النسائية والتوليد | استاذ مساعد |
اسماء طه مجيد امين الدراجي | بورد عراقي | CV | نسائية وتوليد | مدرس |
سحر جاسم عبد جاسم الجصاني | بورد عربي | CV | طب النسائية والتوليد | مدرس |
زهراء محمد جميل عبد السيد السطام | بورد عراقي | CV | امراض النسائية والتوليد | مدرس |
ايمان غضبان صالح | بورد عراقي | CV | امراض النسائية والتوليد | استاذ مساعد |
فرع طب الاطفال
الاســـــماء | CV | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
محمود ظاهر صبحي بكر المندلاوي | بورد عراقي | CV | طب الاطفال | استاذ |
عصام جابر كاظم لوني الزويني | بورد عراقي | CV | طب اطفال | استاذ |
محمد جلال حسين غائب الخالدي | بورد عراقي | CV | طب الاطفال | استاذ |
بان عبد الحميد مجيد عبد اللطيف البدري | بورد عربي | CV | طب الاطفال | استاذ |
علي عبد الرزاق عبيد جمعة المياحي | بورد عراقي و عربي | CV | طب الاطفال | استاذ |
حيدر هادي صادق حسن المؤمن | بورد عراقي | CV | طب الاطفال | استاذ مساعد |
علي كاظم حسن القريشي | بورد عراقي | CV | طب الاطفال | استاذ مساعد |
عباس عويد عليوي ناصر | بورد عراقي و عربي | CV | طب الاطفال | مدرس |
حسين خضير حسين عجود | بورد | CV | طب الاطفال | مدرس |
علي سعدي صالح مهدي الخزعلي | بورد | CV | طب الاطفال | مدرس |
فرع طب الاسرة و المجتمع
الاســـــماء | cv | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
محمد اسعد ابراهيم محمد البياتي | بورد عراقي | CV | طب المجتمع | استاذ |
هدى عدنان حبيب حميدي المهنا | بورد عراقي | CV | طب الاسرة | استاذ |
وجدان اكرم حسين علي ال سبتي | بورد عراقي | CV | طب مجتمع | استاذ |
لجين انور عبود كاظم الخزرجي | بورد عراقي | CV | طب اسرة | استاذ |
غيداء رفعت حميد مهدي | بورد عراقي | CV | طب المجتمع | مدرس |
اسيل سمير محمد محمود العماري | دكتوراه | CV | احصاء/احصاء تطبيقي | استاذ مساعد |
حيدر رحيم حمود حسن الساعدي | دكتوراه | CV | الهندسة المدنية/مواصلات | مدرس |
مصطفى صبيح عبود السوداني | ماجستير | CV | علوم في الهندسة الميكانيكية /موائع وحراريات | مدرس مساعد |
اسراء سليم كاطع صبحي الريحاوي | دكتوراه | CV | اقتصاد / فلسفة في الاقتصاد | مدرس |
فرع علم الادوية
فرع علم الامراض و الطب العدلي
الاســـــماء | cv | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
محمد عبد المهدي اسماعيل ابراهيم القرطاس | بورد عراقي | CV | علم الامراض / نسيج مرضي | استاذ |
آلاء قاسم يحيى صالح مال الله | بورد عراقي | CV | علم الامراض / النسيج المرضي | استاذ مساعد |
مهند منذر عبد الغني ابراهيم الحمامي | دكتوراه | CV | علم الامراض | استاذ مساعد |
محمد ناطق عباس حسن العكيلي | بورد عراقي | CV | علم الامراض | مدرس |
مروة علي محمد عبد النبي العكيلي | بورد عراقي | CV | امراض الدم | مدرس |
تمارة كاظم محمد | بورد عراقي | CV | علم الامراض/النسيج المرضي | مدرس |
زهراء رافد حسن | بورد عراقي | CV | علم الامراض/النسيج المرضي | مدرس |
فرع التشريح
الاســـــماء | cv | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
سعد علي رشيد محمد الشمري | بورد عراقي | cv | الجراحة العامة | استاذ مساعد |
ليث ثامر خزعل زبالة العامري | بورد عراقي | CV | جراحة الجملة العصبية | استاذ مساعد |
شذى صلاح اسعد طه العاني | دكتوراه | CV | علوم حياة / الحيوان | مدرس |
صفاء سلمان مزبان فنجان الثامري | دكتوراه | CV | علوم الحياة /علم الخلية | مدرس |
محمد عماد غانم قاسم آل شكري | دكتوراه | cv | التشريح والانسجة والاجنة | مدرس |
حوراء شفيق عطية | ماجستير | CV | علوم / علم الاجنة التطبيقي | مدرس مساعد |
شهرزاد يحيى كريدي جلال الطبيلي | ماجستير | CV | علوم / علم الاجنة التطبيقي | مدرس مساعد |
فرع الاحياء المجهرية
الاســـــماء | cv | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
حيدر هاشم عبد الرزاق مهدي زلزلة | بورد عراقي | CV | احياء مجهرية ومناعة | استاذ مساعد |
وفاء حازم صالح شكر الشيخلي | ماجستير | CV | علوم / الاحياء المجهرية | استاذ مساعد |
بتول مطر مهدي عبد الصاحب مراد | بورد عراقي | CV | احياء مجهرية / مناعة سريرية | استاذ |
شذى زهير مجيد حمودي البناء | ماجستير | CV | علوم الحياة / حيوان | مدرس |
سمية عبد الحسين ابراهيم عباس | دكتوراه | CV | التقانة الاحيائية | مدرس |
شذى رمضان زيدان سلمان الطوراني | دكتوراه | CV | الوراثة الطبية | مدرس |
هدى سليم حنتوش حميد | ماجستير | CV | التقانة الاحيائية | مدرس |
اسراء محمد عبد الخالق عطية الحسن | دكتوراه | CV | علوم الحياة/علم الحيوان/علم الطفيليات | استاذ |
حجاز اسماعيل عبد الرزاق اسماعيل | دكتوراه | CV | علوم الحياة/فايروسات جزئي | مدرس |
جنان جاسم حراك محمد الموسوي | دكتوراه | CV | الهندسة الوراثية والتقنيات الأحيائية | مدرس |
همام قاسم حسين | دكتوراه | CV | احياء مجهرية | استاذ مساعد |
وسن عبد الرزاق غربي سويدان الدليمي | دكتوراه | CV | احياء مجهرية | مدرس |
فرع الكيمياء الحياتية
الاســـــماء | cv | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
ياسر عباس عطية سلامة العتبي | دكتوراه | CV | صيدلة/كيمياء حياتية سريرية | استاذ مساعد |
اخلاص خالد حميد محمد العبيدي | بورد عراقي | CV | علم الامراض / كيمياء مرضية | استاذ |
رغد عماد الدين ناجي زين الدين المصرف | دكتوراه | CV | الكيمياء الحياتية السريرية | استاذ مساعد |
هدى سليم حنتوش حميد الخالدي | ماجستير | CV | الكيمياء الحياتية | استاذ مساعد |
تحرير اتحاد كاظم جواد الكاظم | دكتوراه | CV | الكيمياء/ الكيمياء الحياتية السريرية | استاذ مساعد |
رجاء محمد علي قاسم المبرقع | دكتوراه | CV | كيمياء / كيمياء حياتية سريرية | مدرس |
سهاد طه محمد جدوع الجبوري | ماجستير | CV | علوم في الكيمياءالحياتية السريرية | مدرس مساعد |
نور عبد الكريم طاهر محمود | ماجستير | CV | علوم / الكيمياء الحياتية السريرية | مدرس مساعد |
صبا ثائر عبد الكريم | ماجستير | CV | علوم / الكيمياء الحياتية السريرية | مدرس مساعد |
رجاء محمد علي قاسم المبرقع | دكتوراه | CV | علوم / الكيمياء الحياتية السريرية | مدرس |
فرع وضائف الاعضاء
ت | الاســـــماء | cv | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
1 | اخلاص جواد عامر عجمي الساعدي | دكتوراه | CV | علوم فيزياء/ الفيزياء الطبية | استاذ مساعد |
2 | حيدر صباح حسن محمد ناجي | دكتوراه | CV | الفزيولوجي | استاذ مساعد |
3 | محمد عبد الامير عبد الرضا مهدي الفتلاوي | دكتوراه | CV | فلسفة في فيزياء | مدرس |
4 | بلال صادق عبد الباقي ابراهيم المعروف | ماجستير | cv | علوم في الفيزيولوجي / فسلجة | مدرس مساعد |
5 | ريان زيدان خلف سعد | ماجستير | CV | علوم في الفيزيولوجي | مدرس مساعد |
الشعب و الوحدات
الهيكلية | الاســـــماء | cv | الاختصاص الدقيق | اللقب العلمي |
شعبة ضمان الجودة وتقويم الاداء / وحدة تقييم الاداء | ندى عزيز يوسف مطلب المطلبي | ماجستير | CV | لغة انكليزية / اداب في اللغة الانكليزية | استاذ مساعد |
وحدة النشاطات الطلابية | رافد حسين محمد صادق العاني | دكتوراه | CV | التربية رياضية | مدرس |
شعبة الدراسات والتخطيط | باسمة جازع جاسم عباس الابراهيمي | ماجستير | CV | ادارة اعمال | مدرس |
الشعبة القانونية | حازم عبد عون دلي راهي الخفاجي | ماجستير | CV | القانون / القانون الخاص | مدرس مساعد |
بحوث التدريسيين ضمن سكوبس
Authors | Title | Year | Source title | Cited by | |
Endler, M., Al-Haidari, T., Benedetto, C., Chowdhury, S., Christilaw, J., El Kak, F., Galimberti, D., Garcia-Moreno, C., Gutierrez, M., Ibrahim, S., Kumari, S., McNicholas, C., Mostajo Flores, D., Muganda, J., Ramirez-Negrin, A., Senanayake, H., Sohail, R., Temmerman, M., Gemzell-Danielsson, K. | How the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic is impacting sexual and reproductive health and rights and response: Results from a global survey of providers, researchers, and policy-makers | 2021 | Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica | 34 | Link |
Sallam, M., Al-Mahzoum, K., Al-Tammemi, A.B., Alkurtas, M., Mirzaei, F., Kareem, N., Al-Naimat, H., Jardaneh, L., Al-Majali, L., AlHadidi, A., Al-Salahat, K., Al-Ajlouni, E., AlHadidi, N.M., Bakri, F.G., Harapan, H., Mahafzah, A. | Assessing Healthcare Workers’ Knowledge and Their Confidence in the Diagnosis and Management of Human Monkeypox: A Cross-Sectional Study in a Middle Eastern Country | 2022 | Healthcare (Switzerland) | 28 | Link |
Hameed, E.K. | TyG index a promising biomarker for glycemic control in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | 2019 | Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews | 23 | Link |
Al-Musawi, S., Ibraheem, S., Mahdi, S.A., Albukhaty, S., Haider, A.J., Kadhim, A.A., Kadhim, K.A., Kadhim, H.A., Al-Karagoly, H. | Smart nanoformulation based on polymeric magnetic nanoparticles and vincristine drug: A novel therapy for apoptotic gene expression in tumors | 2021 | Life | 22 | Link |
Mahmood, R.I., Kadhim, A.A., Ibraheem, S., Albukhaty, S., Mohammed-Salih, H.S., Abbas, R.H., Jabir, M.S., Mohammed, M.K.A., Nayef, U.M., AlMalki, F.A., Sulaiman, G.M., Al-Karagoly, H. | Biosynthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles mediated Annona muricata as cytotoxic and apoptosis inducer factor in breast cancer cell lines | 2022 | Scientific Reports | 20 | Link |
Al-Saadi, E.A.K.D., Abdulnabi, M.A. | Hematological changes associated with COVID-19 infection | 2022 | Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis | 19 | Link |
Hameed, E.K., AbdulQahar, Z.H. | Visceral adiposity index in female with type 2 diabetic mellitus and its association with the glycemic control | 2019 | Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews | 16 | Link |
Auda, I.G., Ali Salman, I.M., Odah, J.G. | Efflux pumps of Gram-negative bacteria in brief | 2020 | Gene Reports | 15 | Link |
Zalzala, H.H. | Diagnosis of COVID-19: facts and challenges | 2020 | New Microbes and New Infections | 13 | Link |
Endler, M., Al Haidari, T., Chowdhury, S., Christilaw, J., El Kak, F., Galimberti, D., Gutierrez, M., Ramirez-Negrin, A., Senanayake, H., Sohail, R., Temmerman, M., Danielsson, K.G. | Sexual and reproductive health and rights of refugee and migrant women: gynecologists’ and obstetricians’ responsibilities | 2020 | International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics | 10 | Link |
Al-Momen, H., Muhammed, M.K., Alshaheen, A.A. | Neonatal seizures in Iraq: Cause and outcome | 2019 | Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine | 10 | Link |
Yaseen, I.F., Farhan, H.A., Abbas, H.M. | Clopidogrel non-responsiveness in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention using the VerifyNow test: Frequency and predictors | 2019 | European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy | 10 | Link |
Al-Ameri, L.T., Mohsin, T.S., Wahid, A.T.A. | Sleep disorders following mild and moderate traumatic brain injury | 2019 | Brain Sciences | 10 | Link |
Alhaidari, T., Amso, N., Jawad, T.M., Alnakkash, U., Khazaal, F., Alnaaimi, A., Pickles, T., Playle, R., Istepanian, R., Philip, N., Gregory, J.W., Al Hilfi, T. | Feasibility and acceptability of text messaging to support antenatal healthcare in Iraqi pregnant women: A pilot study | 2018 | Journal of Perinatal Medicine | 10 | Link |
Rattan, S.A., Anwar, D.S. | Comparison of corneal epithelial thickness profile in dry eye patients, keratoconus suspect, and healthy eyes | 2020 | European Journal of Ophthalmology | 8 | Link |
Mahmood, W.A., Mshimesh, B.A.R., Khazaal, F.A.K., Jasim, S.Y., Mahmood, A.A. | Potential effects of resveratrol on obesity-related nephropathy in Iraqi obese women | 2018 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research | 7 | Link |
Al-Jawad, F.H., Al-Attar, Z., Abbood, M.S. | The protective effect of nitroglycerin, N-acetyl cysteine and metoprolol in CCL4 induced animal model of acute liver injury | 2019 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 6 | Link |
Mahdi, B.M., Al-Hadithi, A.T.R., Raouf, H., Zalzala, H.H., Abid, L.A., Nehad, Z. | Effect of HLA on development of asthma | 2018 | Annals of Medicine and Surgery | 6 | Link |
Al-Osami, M.H., Hameed, E.K. | Serum adiponectin level in osteoporotic postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus | 2018 | Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews | 6 | Link |
Mutar Mahdi, B. | COVID-19 type III hypersensitivity reaction | 2020 | Medical Hypotheses | 5 | Link |
Jasim, S.K., Al-Momen, H., Al-Asadi, F. | Maternal anemia prevalence and subsequent neonatal complications in Iraq | 2020 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 5 | Link |
Arkawazi, B.M.F., Faraj, M.K., Al-Attar, Z., Hussien, H.A.A. | Short term effectiveness of gamma knife radiosurgery in the management of brain arteriovenous malformation | 2019 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 5 | Link |
Kadhim, A.A., Salman, J.A.S., Haider, A.J., Ibraheem, S.A., Kadhim, H.A. | Effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles biosynthesized by leuconostoc mesenteroides ssp. dextranicum against bacterial skin infections | 2019 | Proceedings - International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering, DeSE | 5 | Link |
Jasim, S.K., Al-Momen, H., Al-Naddawi, A.M. | Prediction of maternal diabetes and adverse neonatal outcome in normotensive pregnancy using serum uric acid | 2019 | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences | 5 | Link |
Khudur Al-Nassary, M.S., Mahdi, B.M. | Study of Hepatitis C Virus Detection Assays | 2018 | Annals of Medicine and Surgery | 5 | Link |
Mahdi, B.M. | COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and acceptance among medical students: An online cross-sectional study in Iraq | 2021 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 4 | Link |
Mezaal, M.H., Farhan, H.A., Dakhil, Z.A. | Covid-19 pandemic impact on physicians’ decision-making: Digoxin toxicity in view of combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: A case report | 2020 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 4 | Link |
AlMendalawi, M.D. | Is the prevalence of overweight/obesity overestimated among Saudi children and adolescents? | 2019 | Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology | 4 | Link |
Daher, A.M., Al-Momen, H., Jasim, S.K. | Deferasirox in thalassemia: a comparative study between an innovator drug and its copy among a sample of Iraqi patients | 2019 | Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety | 4 | Link |
Kamal, I.M.A., Mahdi, B.M. | Seroprevalence occurrence of viral hepatitis and HIV among hemodialysis patients | 2018 | Annals of Medicine and Surgery | 4 | Link |
Al-Momen, H., Jasim, S.K., Hassan, Q.A., Ali, H.H. | Relationship between liver iron concentration determined by R2-MRI, serum ferritin, and liver enzymes in patients with thalassemia intermedia | 2018 | Blood Research | 4 | Link |
Mohamed, A.S., Mohammed, N.A. | COMPARISON OF FORECASTING OF THE RISK OF CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) IN HIGH-QUALITY AND LOW-QUALITY HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS, USING ANN MODELS | 2021 | International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences | 3 | Link |
Majeed, B.A., Jasim, S.K., Al-Momen, H., Hussein, M.J. | Iraqi women with preeclampsia: Maternal and neonatal outcomes | 2020 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 3 | Link |
Majeed, G.H., Al-Edanni, M.S., Hatem, M.W., Al-Mukhtar, S.A. | Surgical fixation and grafting of traumatic distal tibia atrophic nonunion with or without platelet-rich plasma: A comparative study | 2020 | Rawal Medical Journal | 3 | Link |
Mahdi, B.M., Khudhur, H.B., Abdul-Hussein, M.M. | Bacterial isolates of urine and their susceptibility to antimicrobials | 2020 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 3 | Link |
Mohamad Hasan, R. | Modified Benelli procedure for subcutaneous mastectomy in gynecomastia: A randomised controlled trial | 2019 | Annals of Medicine and Surgery | 3 | Link |
Hamdan, S.J., Al-Attar, Z., Hashim, I. | Prevalence of montelukast use as an add-on therapy among iraqi asthmatics on treatment attending al-kindy teaching hospital and al-zahraa center of asthma and allergy | 2019 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 3 | Link |
Alosami, M.H., Adnan, S., Hameed, E.K. | Serum uric acid level and bone mineral density in Iraqi postmenopausal women | 2019 | Egyptian Rheumatologist | 3 | Link |
Ali, A.H.M., Yahya, A.Q., Mohammed, H.L. | Chromogenic in Situ hybridization technique versus immunohistochemistry in assessment of HER2/neu status in 448 iraqi patients with invasive breast carcinoma | 2019 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 3 | Link |
Kamber, H.M., Al-Marzooq, T.J.M., Neamah, H.R., Hassan, Q.A. | Outcomes of operative management of 96 cases with traumatic retroperitoneal hematoma: A single-institution experience | 2018 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 3 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Spontaneous conventional osteosarcoma transformation of a chondroblastoma: A case report and literature review | 2018 | Indian Journal of Orthopaedics | 3 | Link |
Rattan, S.A., Mohammad, N.K., Mutashar, M.K. | Two different chemoprophylaxis approaches after phacoemulsification surgery in one thousand patients in Iraq [前房注射0.1%莫西沙星联合结膜下注射曲安奈德预防超声乳化术后感染] | 2018 | International Eye Science | 3 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Patterns of uveitis at a tertiary referral center in Northeastern Iran | 2018 | Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research | 3 | Link |
Rattan, S.A. | Continuous intracorneal ring implantation for treatment of myopic astigmatism | 2018 | International Medical Case Reports Journal | 3 | Link |
Alnaser, M.K., Hassan, Q.A., Hindosh, L.N. | Effectiveness of conservative management of uncomplicated acute appendicitis: A single hospital based prospective study | 2018 | International Journal of Surgery Open | 3 | Link |
Al-Marzooq, T.J.M., Hassan, Q.A., Alnaser, M.K.H., Al-Edani, M.S. | Treatment of fistula-in-ano with tight (Cutting) seton: Analysis of outcomes and efficacy assessment | 2017 | Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research | 3 | Link |
Mahdi, B.M., Hasan, R.M., Salih, W.H. | Human leukocyte antigen HLADRB1 determinants susceptibility to gastroesophageal reflux disease [Antígeno leucocitário humano HLADRB1 é determinante de susceptibilidade para a doença do refluxo] | 2017 | Arquivos de Gastroenterologia | 3 | Link |
Al-Hamamy, H.R. | COVID-19: Immune response | 2022 | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | 2 | Link |
Al-Sharaa, M.B., Hashim, F.W., Al-Edanni, M.S. | Functional outcome of interlocked intramedullary nailing fixation in management of closed tibia shaft fractures | 2021 | Rawal Medical Journal | 2 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Pediatrics practice in iraq amidst the covid-19 pandemic | 2021 | Turkish Archives of Pediatrics | 2 | Link |
Mahdi, B.M. | Semen analysis and insight into male infertility | 2021 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 2 | Link |
Jasim, S.K., Al-Momen, H., Alqurishi, A.K. | Effects of excessive tea consumption on pregnancy weight gain and neonatal birth weight | 2021 | Obstetrics and Gynecology Science | 2 | Link |
Kamal, Z.B., Naji, R.E., Ali, H.A. | Comparative study between neopterin and alvarado score in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis and its severity | 2021 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 2 | Link |
Farhan, H.A., Dakhil, Z.A. | Women in cardiology: critical status and a call to move forward | 2020 | Egyptian Heart Journal | 2 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A descriptive cross-sectional study | 2020 | Indian Journal of Rheumatology | 2 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Synovial chondromatosis of ankle in a child: A rare presentation | 2020 | Journal of Postgraduate Medicine | 2 | Link |
Shero, F.F., Al-Ani, G.T.S., Khadim, E.J., ZuhairKhaleel, H. | Assessment of linear parameters of Electrohysterograph (EHG) in diagnosis of true labor | 2020 | Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health | 2 | Link |
Al-Momen, H., Raham, T.F., Daher, A.M. | Tuberculosis versus covid-19 mortality: A new evidence | 2020 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 2 | Link |
Al-Momen, H., Hussein, H.K., Al-Attar, Z., Hussein, M.J. | Green tea influence on iron overload in thalassemia intermedia patients: A randomized controlled trial | 2020 | F1000Research | 2 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | A Cross-sectional study of stretched penile length in boys from West Bengal, India | 2019 | Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism | 2 | Link |
Abdullah, T.H., Abbas, S.H., Al-Obaidi, M.T., Abdulraheem, Y. | The efficacy of platelets rich plasma (PRP) for ovarian rejuvenation | 2019 | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | 2 | Link |
Khaleel, N.I., Zghair, M.A.G., Hassan, Q.A. | Value of combination of standard axial and thin-section coronal diffusion-weighted imaging in diagnosis of acute brainstem infarction | 2019 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 2 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: Two rare variants | 2019 | Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology | 2 | Link |
Alrubaie, A., Majid, S., Alrubaie, R., Kadhim, F.A.-Z.B. | Effects of body mass index (BMI) on complete blood count parameters | 2019 | Prensa Medica Argentina | 2 | Link |
Alhilali, K.A., Al-Attar, Z., Gibson, A., Tailor, A., Meng, X., Monshouwer, M., Snoeys, J., Park, B.K., Naisbitt, D.J. | Characterization of Healthy Donor-Derived T-Cell Responses Specific to Telaprevir Diastereomers | 2019 | Toxicological Sciences | 2 | Link |
AL-Khaliq, I.M.A., Mahdi, B.M. | Association between Entamoeba histolytica infection and human leukocyte antigen HLA- DRB1 | 2018 | Annals of Medicine and Surgery | 2 | Link |
Ali, Z.H.A., Hassan, F.F., Yahya, A.Q. | Immunohistochemical expression of her2/neu receptors in iraqi patients with endometrioid carcinoma | 2018 | Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research | 2 | Link |
Al-Khalidy, H.S.H., Hasan, R.M., Mahdi, B.M. | Role of adiponectin in patients with inflammatory bowel disease unclassified [Papel da adiponectina em pacientes com doença intestinal inflamatória não classificada] | 2018 | Journal of Coloproctology | 2 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Assessment of pediatric residents burnout in a tertiary academic centre(1) | 2018 | Saudi Medical Journal | 2 | Link |
Al-Osami, M., Hameed, E., Al-Hamadani, A. | Effect of HLA-B27 status and body mass index on the clinical response to infliximab in ankylosing spondylitis patients | 2018 | Indian Journal of Rheumatology | 2 | Link |
Mattar, M., Alwan, A.F., Boukhelal, H., Chouffai, Z., Farhat, F., Hadipour, M., Hamada, E., Jaffar, M.K., Karimi, M., Al-Kasim, F., Al-Momen, H.H., Tarawah, A.M., Johnston, A., Musallam, K.M. | On the use of substandard medicines in hematology: An emerging concern in the Middle East and North Africa region | 2018 | European Journal of Internal Medicine | 2 | Link |
Hasan, R.M., Mahdi, B.M. | New Concepts in the Management of Septic Perianal Conditions | 2018 | New Concepts in the Management of Septic Perianal Conditions | 2 | Link |
Zalzala, H.H., Abdullah, G.A., Abbas, M.Y., Mohammedsalih, H.R., Mahdi, B.M. | Relationship between human leukocyte antigen drb1 and psoriasis in Iraqi patients | 2018 | Saudi Medical Journal | 2 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | The accuracy of broselow pediatric emergency tape in estimating body weight of pediatric patients | 2017 | Saudi Medical Journal | 2 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and leprosy: An unsolved mystery | 2017 | Lung India | 2 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Demographic and clinical features of pediatric uveitis at a tertiary referral center in Iran | 2017 | Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology | 2 | Link |
Öz, T.K., Cader, F.A., Dakhil, Z.A., Parapid, B., Kadavath, S., Bond, R., Chieffo, A., Gimelli, A., Mihailidou, A.S., Ramu, B., Cavarretta, E., Michos, E.D., Kaya, E., Buchanan, L., Patil, M., Aste, M., Alasnag, M., Babazade, N., Burgess, S., Manzo-Silberman, S., Paradies, V., Thamman, R. | International consensus statement on challenges for women in cardiovascular practice and research in the CoVid-19 era | 2022 | Minerva Cardiology and Angiology | 1 | Link |
Endler, M., Al-Haidari, T., Benedetto, C., Chowdhury, S., Christilaw, J., El Kak, F., Galimberti, D., Gutierrez, M., Ibrahim, S., Kumari, S., McNicholas, C., Flores, D.M., Muganda, J., Ramirez-Negrin, A., Senanayake, H., Sohail, R., Temmerman, M., Gemzell Danielsson, K. | Are sexual and reproductive health and rights taught in medical school? Results from a global survey | 2022 | International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Prevalence and socioeconomic correlates of growth impairment among Saudi children and adolescents | 2022 | Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology | 1 | Link |
Halos, S.H., Al-Dousari, A., Anwer, G.R., Anwer, A.R. | Impact of PM2.5 concentration, weather and population on COVID-19 morbidity and mortality in Baghdad and Kuwait cities | 2022 | Modeling Earth Systems and Environment | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Can We Justify Intralesional Immunotherapy with Measles-mumps-rubella Vaccine for Recalcitrant Facial Warts? | 2022 | Oman Medical Journal | 1 | Link |
Al-Ameri, L.T., Hameed, E.K., Maroof, B.S. | Sleep quality in COVID-19 recovered patients | 2022 | Sleep Science | 1 | Link |
Aljodah, M.A.-A., Al-Zajrawee, M.Z. | Prospective evaluation of the effect of early nasal layer closure on definitive repair in cleft palate patients | 2022 | Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology | 1 | Link |
Al-Hamamy, H.R., Salih, W.H., Al-Mudallal, N.H. | Bacterial Isolates and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Ear Infections in Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq | 2021 | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | 1 | Link |
Dakhil, Z.A., Farhan, H.A. | Non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes; clinical landscape, management strategy and in-hospital outcomes: an age perspective | 2021 | Egyptian Heart Journal | 1 | Link |
Jasim, S.K., Al-Momen, H., Obaid, A.A.R. | Differences in perinatal outcomes in teenage mothers with their first and third pregnancies and predictors of adverse neonatal events: A cross-sectional study | 2021 | International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine | 1 | Link |
Aljodah, M.A.-A., Alfeehan, M.J., Al-Zajrawee, M.Z. | Outcome of Recurrent Auricular Keloid Treatment with a Combination of Surgical Excision and Perioperative Corticosteroid Injection | 2021 | Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Re: Lifestyle-related determinants of obesity among omani children | 2021 | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | 1 | Link |
Mohammed Sadiq, S.M., Dakhil, M.A., Dakhil, Z.A. | Effect of Diabetes on Laboratory Markers in Patients with Non-ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes | 2021 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 1 | Link |
Al-Ameri, L.T., Al-Zuhairi, E.A., Al-Shirwani, H.M. | Prevalence of pineal gland and choroid plexus calcification among iraqi patients attending ct scan units [Prevalencia de calcificación de la glándula pineal y del plexo coroideo entre pacientes iraquíes que asisten a las unidades de tomografía computarizada] | 2021 | International Journal of Morphology | 1 | Link |
Abd Al-Khaliq, I., Mahdi, I., Nasser, A. | Intestinal parasitic infections in relation to covid-19 in baghdad city | 2021 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 1 | Link |
Faraj, M.K., Arkawazi, B., Hatim, A.K., Al-Attar, Z. | Three-dimensional printing applications in the neurosurgery: A pilot study | 2021 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | 1 | Link |
Jasim, S.K., Al-Momen, H., Wahbi, M.A. | Treatment options of adolescent gestational diabetes: Effect on outcome | 2021 | Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences | 1 | Link |
Noamam, K.H., Abdulla, T.N. | Relationship of low maternal vitamin d3 level and adverse early neonatal outcomes | 2021 | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Is the prevalence of the pediatric covid-19 infection in oman underestimated? | 2020 | Oman Medical Journal | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Left atrial angiosarcoma: A rare cardiac tumor at an uncommon site | 2020 | Journal of Cardiovascular Echography | 1 | Link |
Jasim, B.J. | Evaluation of students’ self–management and academic achievement in the university of baghdad | 2020 | Medico-Legal Update | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | A study of association of premature graying of hair and osteopenia in North Indian population | 2020 | International Journal of Trichology | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Testicular volume in a cohort of prepubertal Indian children | 2020 | Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Teaching paediatrics in Iraq amid the COVID-19 pandemic | 2020 | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Immature teratoma of the posterior fossa in an infant: Case report [Bir bebekte posterior fossanın immatür teratomu: Olgu sunumu] | 2020 | Turkish Archives of Pediatrics | 1 | Link |
Zghair, M.A.A.-G., Hassan, Q.A., Mahdi, R.A. | Role of combining colour doppler and grey scale ultrasound in differentiating benign from malignant ovarian masses [Uloga kombinovane color-doppler i gray-scale ultrazvučne metode u diferencijaciji benignih od malignih ovarijalnih promena] | 2020 | Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | The effects of obesity on pulmonary function in adults with asthma | 2020 | Lung India | 1 | Link |
Kron, M., Roenius, M., Alqortasi, M.A.M., Alhaidari, T., Hussein, M., Hameed, E.K., Salih, I.K. | Academic Medicine and Science Diplomacy: Medical Education in Iraq | 2019 | Academic Medicine | 1 | Link |
Mahdi, B.M. | Significant of adiponectin in gastropathy: Case-controlled study | 2019 | Annals of Medicine and Surgery | 1 | Link |
Ali, K.O.H., Ihsan, I., Rostum, F., Al-Idani, M.S. | Motivational efficacy of lasers on marrow haemopoetic cells | 2019 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Clinical patterns and linear growth in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, a 11 year experience | 2019 | Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism | 1 | Link |
Alrubaie, A., Alkhalidi, N., Abd-Alhusain, S. | A clinical study of newly-diagnosed colorectal cancer over 2 years in a gastroenterology center in Iraq [Estudo clínico de câncer colorretal recém-diagnosticado por 2 anos em um centro de gastroenterologia no Iraque] | 2019 | Journal of Coloproctology | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Pediatric Crohn’s disease in Bahrain | 2019 | Oman Medical Journal | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Bone mineral density loss in patients with cirrhosis | 2019 | Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology | 1 | Link |
Al-Edanni, M.S., Majeed, G.H., Haitham, M., Al-Muktar, S.A. | Superior versus anterior plating of midshaft clavicle fracture in adults | 2019 | Rawal Medical Journal | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Primary bilateral non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the adrenal gland | 2019 | Indian Journal of Urology | 1 | Link |
Al-Zajrawee, M.Z., Aljodah, M.A.-A., Hassan, Q.A. | Surgical outcomes of 14 consecutive bilateral cleft lip patients treated with a modified version of the Millard and Manchester methods | 2019 | Archives of Plastic Surgery | 1 | Link |
Ali, E.N., Majeed, S.Z., Kadhem, A.A., Alubadi, A.E.M. | PREVALENCE OF TOXOPLASMOSIS AS COINFECTION IN IRAQI PATIENTS INFECTED WITH TUBERCULOSIS | 2019 | Biochemical and Cellular Archives | 1 | Link |
AL-Khaliq, I.M.A. | Effect of Bifidobacterium probiotic in the treatment of giardiasis infection in mice | 2019 | Baghdad Science Journal | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Botryoid rhabdomyosarcoma of the conjunctiva in a young boy | 2019 | Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Fulminant subacute sclerosing panencephalitis in an immunized 20-month-old indian boy | 2019 | Neurosciences | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | First report on the isolation of nocardia thailandica from the bronchoalveolar lavage sample of a patient in Iran | 2019 | Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences | 1 | Link |
Ali, I.Q., Salih, S.M., Abdulla, G.A. | Differentiation of CD34+ Human Hair Follicle Stem Cells into Functional Melanocytes | 2018 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Cystinuria in a 13-Month-Old girl with absence of mutations in the SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 genes | 2018 | Indian Journal of Nephrology | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Primary uterine primitive neuroectodermal tumor | 2018 | Journal of Medical Sciences (Taiwan) | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Extraintestinal manifestations of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease in Saudi Arabia | 2018 | Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Pulmonary functions' assessment in posttuberculosis cases by spirometry: Obstructive pattern is predominant and needs cautious evaluation in all treated cases irrespective of symptoms | 2018 | International Journal of Mycobacteriology | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Primary lymphoma of the radial nerve presenting as a nerve sheath tumor | 2018 | Neurology India | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Medical curricular reform in Iraq | 2018 | Clinical Teacher | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Re: Small-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix masquerading as a cervical fibroid: Report of a rare entity | 2018 | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Normal reference ranges for cardiac valve cross-sectional areas in preterm infants | 2018 | Annals of Pediatric Cardiology | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Impact of body mass index on high blood pressure among obese children in the western region of Saudi Arabia | 2018 | Saudi Medical Journal | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Splenic lymphangioma in an adult | 2018 | Saudi Medical Journal | 1 | Link |
Al-Marzooq, T.J.M., Hassan, Q.A., Majeed, G.H., Manea, A.N., Abboud, A.H. | The Diagnostic Accuracy of Sonography, With Graded Compression to Image Acute Appendicitis Compared to Histopathologic Results | 2018 | Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Cerebral venous thrombosis after intravenous immunoglobulin therapy in immune thrombocytopenic purpura | 2018 | Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine | 1 | Link |
Abdulla, T.N., Hassan, Q.A., Ameen, B.A. | Prediction of fetal lung maturity by ultrasonic thalamic echogenicity and ossification centers of fetal femur and tibia | 2018 | Italian Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Prevalence of intestinal helminthic infections and malnutrition among schoolchildren of the Zegie Peninsula, northwestern Ethiopia | 2018 | Journal of Infection and Public Health | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Validity of broselow tape for estimating weight of indian children | 2017 | Indian Journal of Medical Research | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Conjunctival leiomyosarcoma: A case report and review of literature | 2017 | Indian Journal of Ophthalmology | 1 | Link |
Salih, I.K., Al-Dabbagh, A.J., Hassan, Q.A. | The value of inflammatory markers in acute appendicitis: A diagnostic accuracy study | 2017 | Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | A pediatric echocardiographic Z-score nomogram for a developing country: Indian pediatric echocardiography Study - The Z-score | 2017 | Annals of Pediatric Cardiology | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Alterations of pulmonary function in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases | 2017 | Annals of Thoracic Medicine | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Serologic evidence of toxoplasma gondii infection among cancer patients. A prospective study from qassim region, Saudi Arabia | 2017 | Saudi Medical Journal | 1 | Link |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Thyroid profile in idiopathic childhood steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome | 2022 | Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth | Link | |
Alwais, S.H., Alrikabi, M.H., Alshewered, A.S. | Bilateral Uveitis in Silent Ulcerative Colitis: Case Report | 2022 | Journal of Coloproctology | Link | |
Al-Sattam, Z.M.J., Abdullah, R.K., Shareef, A.K. | Impact of Vitamin D Status on Pregnant Women and Their Neonates: A Cross-Sectional Study | 2022 | Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine | Link | |
Mutar Mahdi, B., Saadi, Q., Hamed, R., Nawfal, S. | Knowledge among medical students regarding the prevention of future risk of allergic contact dermatitis [Connaissances des étudiants en médecine concernant les mesures visant à prévenir le risque futur d'avoir une dermatite de contact allergique] | 2022 | Revue Francaise d'Allergologie | Link | |
Ibrahim, A.A., Rattan, S.A., Farhood, Q.K., Al-Attar, Z. | Macular thickness correlation with gender and age in a sample of healthy eyes of Iraqi population utilizing optical coherence tomography | 2022 | Rawal Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Failly, H.O., Majeed, G.H., Aledanni, M.S., Al-Mukhtar, M.S. | Comminuted intra-articular distal radius fractures treated by ligamentotaxis external fixation with and without bone marrow injection to prevent late metaphyseal collapse | 2022 | Rawal Medical Journal | Link | |
Dakhil, Z.A. | Representation of Women in the Writing Committees and Task Forces in International Arrhythmia-Related Guidelines | 2022 | Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | COVID-19-induced New-onset Psychosis: A Possible Correlate with Human Leukocyte Antigens | 2022 | Oman Medical Journal | Link | |
Amana-Rattan, S., Kadhim-Mutasher, M., Farhood, Q., Al-Attar, Z. | Posterior subtenon triamcinolone acetonide combined with phacoemulsification for patients with diabetic maculopathy [Acetónido de triamcinolona de subtenon posterior combinado con facoemulsificación para pacientes con maculopatía diabética] | 2022 | Revista Mexicana de Oftalmologia | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Bone Mineral Density Screening and the Frequency of Osteopenia/Osteoporosis in Turkish Adult Patients with Celiac Disease | 2022 | Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Normative values of visual evoked potential in adults | 2022 | Indian Journal of Ophthalmology | Link | |
Rattan, S.A., Mutashar, M.K., AnNasseh, M.G., Al-Attar, Z. | Obstacles and Challenges Facing Iraqi Women Ophthalmologists | 2022 | Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Bone mineral density and body composition in males with motor neuron disease: A study from teaching hospital in Southern Part of India | 2022 | Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Transient Symptomatic Zinc Deficiency: An Overlooked Diagnosis in Acrodermatitis Enteropathica like Eruption in an Exclusively Breastfed Preterm Infant | 2022 | Oman Medical Journal | Link | |
Alkhalidi, N., Alrubaie, A., Rezqallah, R.E., Kenber, M. | The Value of Terminal Ileum Intubation during Colonoscopy | 2022 | Journal of Coloproctology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | The prevalence of hypertension and prehypertension among children in schools of rural health training area of a tertiary care hospital in Nagpur, Maharashtra | 2022 | Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Blended Learning of Pediatrics in Iraq Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned and Recommendations | 2022 | Turkish Archives of Pediatrics | Link | |
Al Zubaidi, S., Alhaidari, T. | Heat stable carbetocin vs. oxytocin for the prevention of post-partum hemorrhage in emergency caesarean delivery: A randomized controlled trial | 2022 | Journal of Perinatal Medicine | Link | |
Abdulhussein, S.H., Zghair, M.A.G., Hassan, Q.A. | Correlation between coronary artery calcium score and aorta diameter in population with long-standing hypertension using noncontrast CT scan | 2022 | Arterial Hypertension (Poland) | Link | |
Al-Obaidi, J.H. | Early appendectomy in appendicular mass | 2022 | Bionatura | Link | |
Shukur, A.Y., Majeed, G.H., Al-Edanni, M.Sh., Al-Muktar, S.A., Alany, A.M.S., Dawood, M.H. | Prospective comparative study between antegrade interlocking undreamed nail versus compression plate fixation of acute closed humeral mid third shaft humerus in adults | 2022 | Rawal Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Jawdah, K., Kamal, Z. | Complete Blood Count Parameters in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis | 2022 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | Link | |
Abdullah, G.A. | Pattern changes of cutaneous dermatoses among Iraqi women preceding and during the COVID-19 pandemic | 2022 | F1000Research | Link | |
Al-Ameri, L.T., Hameed, E.K., Marzook, A.A., Naji, R.E., Mundher, M., Abdulraheem, Y. | ELECTRONIC LEARNING IN MEDICAL EDUCATION IN THE ERA OF COVID-19: ACADEMIC STAFF PERSPECTIVES | 2022 | EuroMediterranean Biomedical Journal | Link | |
Al-Bayati, M.H., Kamal, Z. | The Effect Of Current And Previous Novel Coronavirus 2019 Infection On Diagnosis And Complication Rate Of Acute Appendicitis | 2022 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | Link | |
Abed, A.G., Almarzooq, T.J.M. | Early Enteral Feeding Versus Delayed Enteral Nutrition: Effects On Morbidity After Intestinal Surgery; A Prospective Study | 2022 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | Link | |
Abdulmajeed, A.H., Araji, H.A. | Rouviere's Sulcus Identification To Achieve Safe Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy | 2022 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | Link | |
Ibraheem, S., Kadhim, A.A., Kadhim, K.A., Kadhim, I.A., Jabir, M. | Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles as Diagnostic Tool for Cancer Cells | 2022 | International Journal of Biomaterials | Link | |
Abdalla, M.E., Al Kurtas, M.A. | Determinants of social accountability for medical schools in Iraq: A qualitative case study | 2022 | Education for Health: Change in Learning and Practice | Link | |
Hussain, N.A., Al-Khazrajy, L.A. | Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Pregnant Women Confirmed with SARS-COV-2 Admitted in the Hospitals in Baghdad | 2022 | Journal of Communicable Diseases | Link | |
Mahdi, B.M. | Asthma as a Risk Factor for the Progression of COVID-19 | 2022 | Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Age-Specific distribution of serum anti- Müllerian hormone and antral follicle count in indian infertile women | 2022 | Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Can We Justify Cystic Fibrosis Mutational Analysis among Omani Neonates? | 2022 | Oman Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Anbagi, M.S., Rajab, N.A., Aljodah, M.A.-A., Al-Attar, Z. | Preparation and Characterization of Sumatriptan Timed Delivery System Using Combination of Natural and Synthetic Polymers | 2022 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Alkhazrajy, L.A., Abdulmajeed, S.N. | Factors Influencing Health and Risk Behaviors among Sample of Iraqi Adolescents | 2022 | Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses | Link | |
Naji, A., Sarko, S., Atta, S. | Current Sites of Infections and Types of Microorganisms in Patient with Febrile Neutropenia in Hematological Wards – Single Center Study | 2022 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Al-Sharaa, M.B., Al-Edanni, M.S. | Functional outcome of closed reduction of supracondylar humerus fracture with cross Kirschner wire in children | 2022 | Rawal Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency: A Single-Center Experience | 2022 | Turkish Archives of Pediatrics | Link | |
Jallu, L.A., Abdulridha, A.S., Hasan, H.S. | Effects of healthy psychological course | 2022 | Journal of population therapeutics and clinical pharmacology = Journal de la therapeutique des populations et de la pharmacologie clinique | Link | |
Hameed, E.K., Al-Ameri, L.T., Hasan, H.S., Abdulqahar, Z.H. | The cut-off values of triglycerides - Glucose index for metabolic syndrome associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus | 2022 | Baghdad Science Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Letter to the Editor re: “Lipemia Retinalis Diagnosed Incidentally After Laser Photocoagulation Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity” [Editöre Mektup Konu: “Prematüre Retinopatisi Nedeniyle Laser Fotokoagülasyon Tedavisi Sonrası Rastlantısal Olarak Tanı Alan Lipemia Retinalis”] | 2021 | Turkish Journal of Ophthalmology | Link | |
Dakhil, Z.A., Farhan, H.A. | Dropping risk stratification with subsequent treatment-risk paradox in non ST elevation acute coronary syndromes: a clinical audit in Iraq | 2021 | BMC Health Services Research | Link | |
Dakhil, Z.A. | Is coronary artery tortuosity a precursor of atherosclerosis and/or left ventricular diastolic dysfunction? | 2021 | Egyptian Heart Journal | Link | |
Hamdan, S.J., Al-Rawaq, K.J., Razaq, A.A. | Effect of Palliative Radiotherapy in controlling pain of Malignancy | 2021 | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | Link | |
Hasan, H.S., Hashim, I., Al-Attar, Z. | The impact of several antihypertensive drugs and medicinal herbs on induced hypertension in rabbits | 2021 | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | A rare case report of Guillain-Barré syndrome presenting as unilateral facial palsy with isolated acute bulbar palsy | 2021 | Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences | Link | |
Al-Khaliq, I.M.A., Nasser, A.J., Ghadban, M.M. | Role of lactobacillus plantarum and lactobacillus acidophilus as a treatment of cryptosporidiosis in mice | 2021 | International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Bone Mineral Density and Serum Vitamin D Status in Parkinson's Disease: Are the Stage and Clinical Features of the Disease Important? | 2021 | Neurology India | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Re: Thyroid dysfunction in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome attending a paediatric hospital in qazvin, iran | 2021 | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | Link | |
Dakhil, Z.A. | Challenges and lessons from COVID-19: Perspectives of a female interventional cardiologist from a developing country | 2021 | European Heart Journal - Case Reports | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Bacillus calmette-Guerin immunotherapy for recurrent multiple warts: An open-label uncontrolled study | 2021 | Indian Journal of Dermatology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Relationship between severity of asthma attacks and Vitamin D levels in children | 2021 | Journal of Medical Sciences (Taiwan) | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Letter to the editor: Herpes zoster keratouveitis with hypopyon and hyphema | 2021 | Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology | Link | |
Dakhil, Z.A., Hasan, H.S., Alzubaidi, H.F.H. | Impact of COVID-19 on global diversity in scientific contributions in American cardiology meetings: Geographical and economic perspectives | 2021 | American Heart Journal Plus: Cardiology Research and Practice | Link | |
Yahya, A.Q., Abdul-Ghani, M.M., Alsaadi, E.A.K.D. | Use of immunohistochemistry and silver in situ hybridization (Sish) in evaluation of human epidermal growth factor receptor2 (HER2/neu) status in Iraqi patients with breast cancer | 2021 | International Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Re: The bacillus calmette-guerin (BCG) vaccine is it a better choice for the treatment of viral warts? | 2021 | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | Link | |
Shaker, A.E., Al Kurtas, M.A., Zalzala, H. | Agreement test of histopathology in the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis with gold standard polymerase chain reaction technique: A step to overcome false diagnosis | 2021 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Hashim, F.W., Al-Shara, M.B., Al-Edanni, M. | Autogenous onlay graft with compression plate for treatment of persistent humeral shaft aseptic non-union with failed previous surgery | 2021 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D., İmamoğlu, E.Y., Hayran, M., Kayıran, S.M., Zeybek, G., Özümüt, S.S., Karatekin, G., Ovalı, F., Gürsoy, T. | Birth weight reference percentiles by gestational age for Turkish twin neonates | 2021 | Turkish Archives of Pediatrics | Link | |
Kadhim, I.O., Abbas, M.Y., Hafedh, A.H. | Incidence of Erythema Multiforme among Patients with ORF Disease in Al-Kindy Teaching Hospital | 2021 | Journal of Communicable Diseases | Link | |
Mustafa, M.B., Hamoudi, W.K., Jaber, G.S., Abbas, M.Y., Abdulhameed, N.R. | EXACT LASER FLUENCE FOR SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF FACE AND LEG TELANGIECTASIA | 2021 | Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960) | Link | |
Al-Faily, H.O.H.A., Alwahab, S.N.A., Al-Edanni, M.Sh., Al-Mukhtar, S.A., Majeed, G.H. | A comparative study of pediatric fracture shaft femur fixating by plate and screws using lateral approach between subvastus lateralis and transvastus lateralis outcome | 2021 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Hanoon, Y.K., Habib, H.A. | Assessment of depressive symptoms among students at al-kindy college of medicine in Baghdad | 2021 | Family Medicine and Primary Care Review | Link | |
Yahya, A., Alhamadani, Z.A.R., Mundher, M. | Immunohistochemical expression of retinoblastoma gene product and p53 protein in transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder and its relationship to different clinicopathological parameters | 2021 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Mohamed, A.S. | Suggested methods for prediction using semiparametric regression function | 2021 | International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications | Link | |
Mohamed, A.S., Mohammed, N.A. | Forecasting enhancement using a hodrick-prescott filter | 2021 | International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications | Link | |
Arkawazi, B.M.F., Al Atraqchi, A., Adnan, A., Dheyab, S. | Efficacy of Gamma Knife radiosurgery in the management of pituitary prolactinoma | 2021 | Surgical Neurology International | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Is the hiv seroprevalence among iraqi patients with β-thalassemia major underestimated or not prevalent? | 2021 | Oman Medical Journal | Link | |
Kutaif, R.H., Alabbassi, M.G., Hussein, W.A., Aldujaili, A.A.-M., Ali, Z.F., Jassim, S.K. | Effects of raloxifene and their combination with pioglitazone on serum anti-Müllerian hormone levels in patients with resistance polycystic ovary syndrome | 2021 | Latin American Journal of Pharmacy | Link | |
Al-Saadi, E.A.K.D., Abdulnabi, M.A. | The prevalence of lymph proliferative disorders in a group of iraqi patients and its relation to blood indices parameters | 2021 | Onkologia i Radioterapia | Link | |
Hadi Alsaady, A.A., Nashtar, S.B., Hashim, T.M. | Clinical study of mitral valve prolapse in Karbala Governorate, Iraq | 2021 | Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research | Link | |
Dakhil, Z.A., Farhan, H.A., Mishlish, S.M. | Cardiac Device Therapy in Heart Failure: Between Guidelines and Current Practice. Where Are We? | 2021 | Cor et Vasa | Link | |
Kutaif, R.H., Alabbassi, M.G., Hussein, W.A., Hassan, Z.F.A., Ali, S.K. | Comparative effectiveness of pioglitazone, raloxifene, and combined pioglitazone-raloxifene of ovulationinduction therapies in infertile patients with resistant polycystic ovary syndrome | 2020 | Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy | Link | |
Mahdi, B.M. | Antimicrobial resistance rate in escherichia coli and klebsiella pneumonia: A retrospective study | 2020 | Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy | Link | |
Al-Mossawi, A.A., Ismail, K.A., Dakhil, Z.A. | Long QT Syndrome and Electrical Storm: Is Implanted Cardiac Defibrillator the Final Destination in Long QT Syndrome Management? | 2020 | Cor et Vasa | Link | |
Abd Al-Khaliq, I.M., Nasser, A.J., Ghadban, M.M. | Role of Lactobacillus Plantarum and Lactobacillus acidophilus as a treatment of cryptosporidiosis in mice | 2020 | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences | Link | |
Arkawazi, B.M.F., Hafdh, A.N., Hasan, Z.N., Abdullateef, A.A. | Effectiveness of deep brain stimulation in Iraqi patients with Parkinson disease | 2020 | Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology | Link | |
Al-Kazrajy, L.A., Hammadi, Z.F. | Mini nutritional assessment of sample of Iraqi elderly people attending geriatric unit at Baghdad Teaching Hospital | 2020 | Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health | Link | |
Faraj, Y.F., Asad, S.S., Jouda, J., Salih, K.M., Abudlghani Altaee, A.S. | Hematological impact in mice due to alteration in their nutritional style | 2020 | Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health | Link | |
Abdullah, G.A. | The effectiveness of topical vitamin k cream 1% in the treatment of steroid-induced rosacea | 2020 | Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Paediatric covid-19 infection in iraq is it not prevalent or underestimated? | 2020 | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Response to “Ocular Melanoma: A Rare Entity” | 2020 | Journal of Head and Neck Physicians and Surgeons | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Comment on sonographic portal vein biometry in apparently healthy children in Northeastern Nigeria | 2020 | Journal of Medical Ultrasound | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Three sequential lymphomatous tumors in a patient - Reader's question | 2020 | Indian Journal of Dermatology | Link | |
Abbas, M.Y., Mohammed, A.Z. | Prevalence, clinical types, aggravating factors and complications of acne vulgaris among medical students in alkindy college of medicine | 2020 | Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Prostate tuberculosis: A rare complication of pulmonary tuberculosis with malignant features mimicking prostate cancer | 2020 | Urological Science | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Remarks about the published study on 'Changes in body mass index after pediatric renal transplantation' | 2020 | Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Re: Revisiting the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among Omani children: A multicentre study | 2020 | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Metabolic syndrome and dyslipidemia among Nigerians with lichen planus: A cross-sectional study - Reader's question | 2020 | Indian Journal of Dermatology | Link | |
Al-Khalidy, H.S.H. | Obesity and helicobacter pylori infection in adults with non specific colitis [Obesidade e infecção por Helicobacter pylori em adultos com colite inespecífica] | 2020 | Journal of Coloproctology | Link | |
Jouda, J., Mohammed, I.K., Asad, S.S., Faraj, Y.F., Salih, K.M. | Effect of alteration in nutritional style on liver function tests and general stool examination | 2020 | AIP Conference Proceedings | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Gestation-wise reference ranges of neutrophil counts in indian newborns | 2020 | Oman Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Badri, O.F.Y., Ibrahim, A., Alani, R.H.M. | Direct and deferred retrieval of basketball for student of the college of physical education and sport sciences | 2020 | Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Re: The effect of change in posture on spirometry in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome | 2020 | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Momen, H., Majeed, B.A., Obed, A.A., Hussein, M.J. | Iraqi experience of factor VII use in children | 2020 | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences | Link | |
Abdulnabi, M.A., Al-Saadi, E.A.K.D. | The prevalence of myeloproliferative disorders in a group of Iraqi patients and its relation to blood indices parameters | 2020 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Al-Saadi, E.A.K.D., Abdulnabi, M.A., Jaafar, F.H. | Characterization of flow cytometric immuno-phenotyping of acute myeloid leukemia with minimal differentiation and acute T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia: A retrospective crosssectional study | 2020 | F1000Research | Link | |
Arkawazi, B.M.F., Kamber, H.M., Abdulwadoud, H.N. | Short-and long-term effectiveness of sacral nerve stimulation in patients with overactive bladder | 2020 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Majeed, G.H., Al-Edanni, M.S., Abbood, L.J., Al-Mukhtar, S.A. | Early stages non-traumatic avascular necrosis of femoral head treated by core decompression with and without platelets rich plasma injection: A comparative study | 2020 | Acta Medica Iranica | Link | |
Alkhazrajy, L.A., Abdulla, R., Baher, H.H. | The association between quality of habitual diet and mental health status among iraqi women attending primary health care centers [La asociación entre la calidad de la dieta habitual y el estado de salud mental entre las mujeres iraquíes que asisten a los centros de atención primaria de salud] | 2020 | Archivos Venezolanos de Farmacologia y Terapeutica | Link | |
Arkawazi, B.M.F., Hatim, A.K., Alkhazrajy, L.A. | Autonomic symptoms in patients with migraine [Síntomas autonómicos en pacientes con migraña] | 2020 | Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertension | Link | |
Abdulwahed, M., Ezzat, A., Al Moosawy, Z. | Electrodiagnostic comparison of diabetic polyneuropathy versus diabetic chronic inflammatory demylinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) | 2020 | Biochemical and Cellular Archives | Link | |
Kamber, H.M., Al-Marzooq, T.J.M., Hussein, M.A., Hassan, Q.A., Marzouq, A.A. | The use of cinnamon (Cinnamomum bark) for patients with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome: A randomized controlled trial | 2020 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | The Efficacy of nebulized soluble mannitol and comparison with 5% hypertonic saline on pulmonary function of children with cystic fibrosis: A letter to editor | 2020 | Journal of Comprehensive Pediatrics | Link | |
Kadium, T.E., Alrubaie, A., Marzook, A.A. | Association of homa-ir and tyg index with some acute phase reactants in obese and lean subjects | 2020 | Rawal Medical Journal | Link | |
Aledanni, S., Alshahwani, Z.W., Hussein, H.R., Shihab, M. | Functional outcomes of sandwich reconstruction technique for giant cell tumor around the knee joint | 2020 | Rawal Medical Journal | Link | |
Abdulla, T.N., Akram, W. | Teenage pregnancy. Prevalence and adverse outcomes in Baghdad City | 2020 | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences | Link | |
Nasir, N.A., Ali, S.H.M., Abu Al-Ess, H.Q.M., Hussein, W.A., Al-Janabi, M.K.W., Mohammed, K.I.A., Mosa, J.M. | Escherichia coli o157: H7 investigation in children with diarrhea: An iraqi cross-sectional study | 2020 | EuroMediterranean Biomedical Journal | Link | |
Hamdan, S.J. | The efficacy and prevalence of montelukast therapy in cough-variant asthma patients in al-kindy teaching hospital | 2020 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Letter to "Comparison of transcutaneous bilirubin measurement with total serum bilirubin levels in term neonates with hyperbilirubinemia: A descriptive-analytical study" | 2020 | Journal of Comprehensive Pediatrics | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Concurrent hairy cell leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Diagnostic and therapeutic implications | 2020 | Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology | Link | |
Ghanem, M.E., Eleiwe, S.A. | Expression of E-nos in human placentas of idiopathic intra uterine growth restriction at term | 2020 | Medico-Legal Update | Link | |
Faraj, M.K., Arkawazi, B.M.F., Abbas, H.M., Al-Attar, Z. | Functional outcome following synthetic vertebral body implantation in the management of spinal disorders | 2020 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Akram, W., Abdulla, T.N., Abullah, T.M. | Indications and adverse outcomes of emergency lower segment cesarean section at 1st and 2nd stages of labor at al-elwiya maternity teaching hospital | 2020 | Medico-Legal Update | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Prevalence of unrecognized autism spectrum disorders in epilepsy: A clinic-based study | 2020 | Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Gender differences and obesity influence on pulmonary function parameters | 2020 | Oman Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Optic nerve cysticercosis at the orbital apex | 2020 | Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Pulmonary dysfunction among adolescents and adults with sickle cell disease in Nigeria: Implications for monitoring | 2020 | Annals of Thoracic Medicine | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Testicular mixed germ cell tumor in a newborn child: A rare case | 2020 | Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Bone mineral density is decreased in patients with systemic sclerosis and correlates with serum intact parathormone levels: A cross-sectional study | 2019 | Indian Journal of Rheumatology | Link | |
Hameed, E.K., Abdul-Qahar, Z.H., Kadium, T.E. | The association of triglycerides glucose index with diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus | 2019 | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | Link | |
Kadium, T.E., Abdulaziz, L.S., Alrubaie, A., Ahmed, O.J., Abd Al-Hassan, W.A. | Impact of serum apolipoprotein B measurements on the risk management of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease | 2019 | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | Link | |
A-Qanbar, M.H., Hasan, H.S., Alrubaie, A.L., Majid, S. | Effects of obesity on the pulmonary function test | 2019 | Prensa Medica Argentina | Link | |
Al-Sabbagh, W.R.M., Yahya, A.Q., Alsafi, R.A. | Are histopathological changes of h. Pylori infection in young dyspeptic patients necessitate endoscopy? | 2019 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Hussein, M.Q. | CT Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients as an Early Predictive Riskfor Ischemic Heart Disease | 2019 | Biochemical and Cellular Archives | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Malignancy-associated microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia | 2019 | Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology | Link | |
Hameed, E.K., Hassan, N.S., Abdulqahar, Z.H. | Lipid accumulation product: A simple and useful surrogate marker for glycemic control in women with type 2 diabetes mellitus | 2019 | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Primary orbital low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma | 2019 | Indian Journal of Ophthalmology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Comment: Prevalence of hypertension and prehypertension in schoolchildren from central India | 2019 | Annals of Pediatric Cardiology | Link | |
Abdulla, T.N., Akram, W. | Prevalence of anemia in pregnant Iraqi women | 2019 | Prensa Medica Argentina | Link | |
Obaid, A.A.-R., Ban Abdul-Hameed, M., Mahdi, Z.K., Hussein, M.J., Al-Zwaini, I. | Maternal attitude toward formula feeding among sample of Iraqi mothers | 2019 | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Letter to: Assessment of blood pressure in primary non-monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis | 2019 | Journal of Comprehensive Pediatrics | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Comment on: Determinants of bone mineral density through quantitative ultrasound screening of healthy children visiting ambulatory paediatric clinics | 2019 | Saudi Medical Journal | Link | |
Hussein, H.K., Mahdi, Z.K. | Three years epidemiological study of acute hepatitis A infection in Al Elwyia pediatric teaching hospital, Baghdad, Iraq | 2019 | Rawal Medical Journal | Link | |
Majeed, G.H., Al-Edanni, M.S., Alkhaliq, N.A., Al-Mukhtar, S.A. | Evaluation of low back pain among female obese patients and associated risk factors | 2019 | Rawal Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Shahwanii, Z.W., Al-Edanni, M.S., Azez, M.K. | Evaluation of radial nerve injury associated with closed humeral shaft fracture by early pre-operative ultrasonic evaluation and correlation with surgical exploration | 2019 | Rawal Medical Journal | Link | |
Ghanem, M.E., Eleiwe, S.A., Tayeh, N.K. | Association of idiopathic IUGR with placental histological morphometry | 2019 | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | Link | |
Najim, T., Weqar Akram, H., Abdelraheem, Y. | Clinical manifestation of singleton pregnancy complicated by diabetes mellitus | 2019 | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with lichen planus: A cross-sectional study from a tertiary care center | 2019 | Indian Dermatology Online Journal | Link | |
Ali, I.Q., Salih, S.M., Abdulla, G.A. | Isolation of CD34+ human melanocyte stem cells from hair follicles | 2019 | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Persistent diarrhea, hemolytic anemia, and splenohepatomegaly due to vitamin b12 deficiency in an infant | 2019 | Journal of Applied Hematology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Retroperitoneal mature cystic teratoma in a 3-month-old infant: A case report and literature review | 2019 | Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology | Link | |
Rattan, S.A., Alshamarti, S., Al-Salem, K.M., Mutashar, M.K. | Non-topography-guided photorefractive keratectomy combined with accelerated collagen cross linking for treatment of keratoconus [非角膜地形图引导PRK联合角膜胶原交联术治疗圆锥角膜] | 2019 | International Eye Science | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Appendiceal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor and hiv infection, an association not to be missed | 2019 | Oman Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Occult medullary breast carcinoma in a male | 2019 | Formosan Journal of Surgery | Link | |
Tahir, N.L., Hassan, Q.A., Kamber, H.M. | The prevalence of a clinically silent nephrolithiasis in baghdad population: An initial ultrasound screening study from Iraq | 2019 | Acta Medica Iranica | Link | |
Alrubaie, A., Al-Qanbar, M., Rassam, R. | Helicobacter pylori in obese females [Prisustvo bakterije Helicobacter pylori kod gojaznih žena] | 2019 | Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease risk assessment among human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy | 2019 | Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS | Link | |
Abdulghani, M.M., Abbas, M.N., Mohammed, W.R. | Immunohistochemical expression of epidermal growth factor receptor in astrocytic tumors in iraqi patients | 2019 | Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Primary atypical lipomatous tumor of the orbit | 2019 | Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research | Link | |
MahMood, T.A., AhMed, S.B., haSSan, Q.A. | Quantitative analysis of injured white matter fibers in multiple sclerosis using diffusion based fiber tractography | 2019 | Acta Medica Mediterranea | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Reference values of longitudinal systolic right and left ventricular function measured by M-mode echocardiography in healthy preterm and term neonates | 2019 | Journal of Cardiovascular Echography | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Pulmonary schistosomiasis in a young male: A case report and review of the literature | 2019 | Annals of Thoracic Medicine | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Huge right ventricular mass revealing a testicular nonseminomatous germ cell tumor | 2019 | Journal of the Saudi Heart Association | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Comment on: Factors affecting quality of life in children and adolescents with thalassemia in Iraqi Kurdistan | 2018 | Saudi Medical Journal | Link | |
Salih, I.K., Sheya'A, A.M., Hassan, Q.A., Mykhan, A.K. | The Factors Influencing the Risk of Perforation in Patients with Peptic Ulcers: A Cross-Sectional Study from Central Iraq | 2018 | Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis | Link | |
Neamah, H.R., Yusr, A.S., Hassan, Q.A., Al-Saadawy, W.M. | Retroperitoneal versus transperitoneal approach for Aortoiliac occlusive disease: A comparative study | 2018 | Italian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Which criteria to use to identify metabolic syndrome among patients with addictive disorders? Observations among patients with alcohol and opioid dependence syndrome | 2018 | Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Comment on: Growth characteristics in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia | 2018 | Saudi Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Giant cell glioblastoma with spinal and spinal leptomeningeal metastasis in a child: A rare presentation of a rare tumor | 2018 | Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Biatrial myxoma and human immunodeficiency virus infection: An association not to be missed | 2018 | Journal of Cardiovascular Echography | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Mixed malarial infection with pancytopenia in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia: An unusual presentation | 2018 | Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology | Link | |
Salih, E.K., Ibrahem, S.A., Jarullah, A.F., Hassan, Q.A. | Comparative study of single dose per-operative metronidazole versus multiple doses postoperative metronidazole in acute non-complicated appendicitis: A view on postoperative complications | 2018 | Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University | Link | |
Al-Khalidy, H.S.H., Hasan, R.M., Muhsun, L.H., Mahdi, B.M., Mohammed, R.K. | Role of adiponectin in endoscopic gastritis | 2018 | Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Comment on: Prevalence of hepatitis B, C, and HIV among patients attending a teaching dental hospital. A 7-year retrospective study from the United Arab Emirates | 2018 | Saudi Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Pituitary aspergillosis: A report and review of the literature | 2018 | Neurology India | Link | |
Fawzi, S.M.M., Abdul-Hassan, I.A., Mahdi, B.M. | Intronic polymorphism of TSHR gene (Rs179247) and its role in the susceptibility to Graves' disease in a sample of Iraqi patients | 2018 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research | Link | |
Al-Ameri, L.T., Issa, S.B., Marzook, A.A., Hameed, E.K., Jasem, N.H. | Efficacy of chlorzoxazone versus orphenadrine in the management of pain associated with cervical spondylosis | 2018 | Rawal Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Letter to the editor: Renal vein aneurysm | 2018 | Urological Science | Link | |
Majeed, B.M., Tawfeek, R.S., Yaaqoub, N.K. | Relation between underutilization of antenatal care and birth outcome | 2018 | Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development | Link | |
Kamal, I.M., Mahdi, B.M. | Seroprevalence occurrence of viral hepatitis and HIV among hemodialysis patients | 2018 | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Haemophilus influenzae type b meningitis in a vaccinated and immunocompetent child | 2018 | Journal of Infection and Public Health | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Primary Ewing's sarcoma of cranium in a pediatric patient | 2018 | Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Actinomycotic osteomyelitis | 2018 | Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Re: Calvarial tuberculosis in a preschool-aged child: An uncommon entity | 2018 | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Comment on: Orbital dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with frontal and ethmoid sinus involvement: A case report and brief review of literature | 2018 | Indian Journal of Ophthalmology | Link | |
Mahdi, B.M., Hasan, R.M., Hazim, W. | Role of human leukocyte antigens DRB1-DQB1 haplotype in the susceptibility to gastroesophageal reflux disease | 2018 | Gastroenterology Insights | Link | |
Al-Bedri, K.Z., Mohammed, H.A., Hameed, E.K. | Thyroid dysfunction: An extra burden in systemic lupus erythematosus | 2018 | Rawal Medical Journal | Link | |
Neamah, H.R., Hassan, Q.A., Kamber, H.M. | Prevalence of peripheral arterial disease in end stage renal disease patients undergoing hemodialysis: A cross-sectional study | 2018 | Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Type and etiology of pediatric epilepsy in Jordan. A multi-center study | 2018 | Neurosciences | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Pulmonary consequences of hypothyroidism | 2018 | Annals of Thoracic Medicine | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Primary extraskeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma arising from the iliac vein | 2018 | Saudi Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Mesenteric leiomyoma in infancy | 2018 | Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons | Link | |
Mahdi, B.M., Hasan, R.M., Hazim, W. | Human leukocyte antigen HLA-DRB1 determinants susceptibility to gastroesophageal reflux disease | 2018 | Journal of Medicine (Bangladesh) | Link | |
Hussein, M.Q., Hassan, Q.A., Abdullateef, H.M. | Role of non-invasive CT angiography in improving risk stratification for patients with Coronary artery diseases: A retrospective study | 2017 | Prensa Medica Argentina | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea in children with sickle cell disease at a tertiary hospital in saudi arabia | 2017 | Saudi Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Hippocampal sclerosis in a child with multiple neurocysticercosis | 2017 | Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Malignant orbital teratoma in a neonate: A clinicopathological case report | 2017 | Journal of Postgraduate Medicine | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Assessment of nutritional status of patients of congenital pouch colon following definitive surgery | 2017 | Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Hydatid disease of the spine: A rare case | 2017 | Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Malnutrition among children having otitis media: A Hospital-based cross-sectional study in Lucknow District | 2017 | Indian Journal of Otology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M. | Incidence and risk factors for retinopathy of prematurity in Northern Iran | 2017 | Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Re: Silicate urolithiasis in a pediatric patient | 2017 | Indian Journal of Urology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Afebrile seizures as initial symptom of hypocalcemia secondary to hypoparathyroidism | 2017 | Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Challenges facing optimum care of diabetic children in Iraq | 2017 | Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Birth prevalence of congenital heart disease: A cross-sectional observational study from North India | 2017 | Annals of Pediatric Cardiology | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Peritoneal dialysis: Experience of the department of pediatrics of the hospital Charles Nicolle of Tunis [Dialyse péritonéale: Expérience de service de pédiatrie de l'Hôpital Charles Nicolle] | 2017 | Tunisie Medicale | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Re: Coexistence of autism spectrum disorders among three children with tuberous sclerosis complex: Case reports and review of literature | 2017 | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | Link | |
Hasan, R.M., Mahdi, B.M. | Gastric mucosal status in patients with reflux esophagitis | 2017 | Australasian Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Marzooq, T.J.M., Hassan, Q.A., Alnaser, M.K.H. | Ultrasound-guided percutaneous treatment of liver hydatid cysts using 3% hydrogen peroxide as a scolicidal agent: The efficacy and clinical outcomes | 2017 | Australasian Medical Journal | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Vision loss in guillain-barre syndrome; A complication or a coincidence | 2017 | Journal of Ophthalmic and Vision Research | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Lung ultrasound versus chest radiography for the diagnosis of pneumothorax in critically ill patients: A prospective, single-blind study | 2017 | Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | Acute psychosis in children: Do not miss immune-mediated causes | 2017 | Neurosciences | Link | |
Al-Mendalawi, M.D. | A single center study of epidemiology of neural tube defects | 2017 | Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice | Link |